How To Improve Your Email Marketing – The 8 Unexpected Skills You Need
We all want to do better at email marketing, don’t we? But how? Well, the good news is that we all learn skills along the way – in previous jobs and careers, through courses, or even hobbies. And some of these skills can come in very handy when it comes to helping your email marketing […]

How To Use Comedy, Humour, and Jokes in Your Marketing (Even if you’re not funny) with Adam Hunt from White Label Comedy
Should you use comedy and jokes in your marketing? Should all brands be funny? Is that the right thing to do? We asked Adam Hunt, who helps brands and businesses do exactly that – be funny. So let’s hear it from the man himself – how do you use humour in your marketing? SOME EPISODE […]

How We Made Our First 6-Figures From A List Of Less Than 2,000 Subscribers
This week we’re telling you all about how to make money from your email list. So if you have a small list (or you think you have a small list), don’t despair! We’re going to tell you exactly what you can do to make money from that. Because guess what? We were rubbish at growing […]

Subscriber-Centric Email Marketing with Kath Pay, author of Holistic Email Marketing
Most email marketing is too much about us, the business. Flip the script by thinking of it as a subscriber journey. Then let’s hear about holistic email marketing – Kath Pay is here to share all her best-kept secrets that we can take from the corporate world and use in the small business world… And […]

When Is It Too Early to Segment Your Email Subscribers?
When do you segment email subscribers? When exactly is the right time to start? On day one? When you reach your first 2,000 subscribers? Or maybe 20,000? Well, it depends… If you’re wondering whether segmenting your list is something you should have on day one or something you should do now or maybe never, tune […]

How to Grow your Email List When You Have Less Than 10k Instagram Followers, Helen Perry spills all
Instagram. We all faff around with it. But can you actually leverage your Instagram following to make sales? You certainly can. But only if you’re clever about driving people to your email list. So if you want to find out how to use Instagram to successfully grow your email list, Helen Perry spills all the […]

5 Elements to Grow an Online Business
How on Earth do you grow an online business? And where does email marketing fit in? This week on the show we talk about the 5 different things you need to do to grow your business. So if you’ve got this awesome product or service, you put together an offer, you’ve been telling people about […]

Dress up your discount like this to make more sales with John Hutchison
Have you ever fallen into the trap of offering your products or services at a discounted price? Hands up – we’ve done. Guilty. As. Charged. But that stops now. Because the awesome John Hutchison taught us a jaw-dropping way to frame discounts in a completely different way. That’s right. Bet you wouldn’t even know it’s […]

How To Use Email Subject Lines To Do More Than Get Your Emails Opened
Email subject lines. What do they really do? Well, unfortunately, they don’t make you a nice cuppa or a slice of toast in the morning. But they can do a lot more than just get your emails open. In fact, in this episode, we show you how we’ve gone out of our way to prove […]

How To Grow Your Email List Using Facebook Pages (Without Ads) – Rachel Miller Moolah Style!
Are Facebook pages dead? Is trying to grow your email list using Facebook the ultimate waste of your time? We asked Rachel Miller, a social media, organic growth strategist who has spoken at some of the industry’s largest events and is famous for her awesome Moolah programme. With over 90 million views to her website, […]

What should I talk about in my emails? Email marketing content ideas you’ll use.
So you’re an undertaker. An accountant. A photographer. You sell something people don’t need to buy every day. So what the hell can you share in your emails? Are you ready to have your mind blown with some cool email marketing content ideas that will make your subscribers absolutely love you? In this episode, we […]

Email Marketing for Small Businesses with Steffen Schebesta from SendInBlue
Is it possible for your small business to compete with huge companies in terms of email marketing? Hell yeah it is. In fact, you can have even more of an advantage over the big players. And our latest guest Steffen Schebesta, CEO of sendinblue North America (which has seen a huge 50% growth year on […]

You’ve Got a Lead Magnet, Now What?
So, you’ve just created the best lead magnet ever known to mankind. Awesome! But now what? Lead magnets (good ones) are a great way of getting people to join your email list. But getting people to join your list is only a teeny tiny part of the email marketing puzzle. When the aim of the […]

Twitter for List Building with Madalyn Sklar
Forget Instagram, Facebook and Clubhouse for the next 20 minutes….. Today, we’re talking all things Twitter and how you can use this fast-moving platform to build your email list. Twitter boasts around boasts 192 million daily active users and we’ve got leading Twitter marketing expert, Madalyn Sklar on the show to tell us exactly how we […]

Writing Subject Lines Without Using Formulas
Want to know how to write incredible subject lines without using formulas? Apart from your name, the subject line is the first thing your audience will see and if you screw that up, chances are, your audience isn’t going to open your email at all. So, how can you ensure your subject lines are as […]