Viral List Growth Using Giveaways With Derek Videll
Can giveaways help you grow your list? What prize should you choose for your contest and how do you make it go viral? Who do giveaways work best for, and how do you even run them? Ready to find out why giveaways are important for your email list growth and your business? Then let’s hear […]
How To Do Your Email Marketing While You’re On Holiday
Are you going on holiday or taking some time off from your business? What will you do with your email marketing? Will you stop your emails? Or will you keep them going? What are your options? This is what we’re sharing today – how to do your email marketing while you’re on holiday, whether you’re […]
How to Increase Your Prices
Have you ever raised your prices and found that no one was rushing to buy? We’ve been there and done that. And that’s why this week we’re sharing how to increase your prices the right way by telling your audience in advance and creating urgency that will boost your sales. No matter what you sell […]
9 Lessons from The Inbox Online Email Marketing Conference
This week we’re sharing 9 amazing lessons we’ve learnt from two years of running Inbox – our awesome online email marketing conference. It’s a phenomenal event, and we promise this year it’s going to be absolutely next level! To prove that it’s true, we’ve pulled out 9 tips we learnt from some of our amazing […]
Why You Should Attend Inbox 2022
Why should you attend Inbox? Because it’s the email marketing conference of 2022 (even if we say so ourselves). Inbox is the online conference that helps you sell more of everything you’re doing by using email marketing. It’s on the 28th and 29th of June 2022, and we’re going to show you how to get […]
Why You Might Want to Think Twice About Consumption Emails
How do you encourage your audience to consume your content? Whether it’s a free download or a paid course or a membership, how do you use your emails to inspire your subscribers or customers to use the amazing content they now have access to? Today we’re covering content consumption by sharing an exclusive panel discussion […]
How to Do Deadlines Well and Ethically
So you want to use deadlines in your marketing. You want to close your offers on a particular date and time and, more than anything, make sure they work. In other words, you want to use deadlines effectively. But you also want to do it genuinely and honestly. This is no doubt one of those […]
Two Things to Start Collecting So You Know What’s Working in Your Marketing
Do you ever find yourself making important business decisions based on a hunch? Would you like to know how you can improve the success rate of email marketing (and your marketing in general) by looking at data and not relying on a gut feeling? Are you curious to finally get a clear idea of what […]
5 Questions About Email Marketing From Our Group Coaching Calls
Want to find out what we get asked inside our exclusive, members-only group coaching calls? This week we’re taking behind the scenes of the coaching calls we do inside our membership, The League. We’re going to not only share the questions about email marketing that our members ask us, but also the exact answers we […]
Write Emails Using Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Does Artificial Intelligence have a place in email marketing? Can you use AI tools to outsource your email writing? These are some of the questions we’re answering for you today after testing a few AI tools. Curious to learn what we found? SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:12) Want to get more sales from your email marketing? […]
The Therapeutic Benefits of Writing Your Own Emails
This week we’re talking about the therapeutic benefits of writing your own emails. Is writing therapeutic? Absolutely! And writing emails can be just as much a therapy for you as it is a sales-making activity. So let’s break down all these cool therapeutic benefits of writing your own emails. Ready? SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:16) Want […]
How Cody Burch Increased Sales by Exactly 1,000% in 1 Month with Just 10 Emails
Today on the podcast we chat with Cody Burch. Cody is a member of The League and helps course creators and membership site owners launch their programs with funnels and Facebook ads through agency done-for-you work, a membership, live events, and courses. He’s here to tell us how he increased sales with email marketing by a […]
What Emails Should You Send Your Paying Members? with Mike and Callie from Membership Geeks
Today on the podcast, we chat with our friends Mike and Callie from Membership Geeks about the emails you send once people have joined your membership. Mike and Callie know everything about memberships, and they’re sharing their best practice around email marketing for paying members. This conversation is all about the importance of communicating with […]
Behind The Scenes of our Business Strategy Session in Manchester
This week we’re giving you something a little different – something that has less to do with email marketing and a lot more to do with how to run a business strategy session for your business. And to help you do just that, we’re taking you behind the scenes of our own business strategy weekend […]
Blogging for Email List Building with Martin and Lyndsay from Jammy Digital
Today on the podcast, we chat with our friends Martin and Lyndsay from Jammy Digital, who tell us all about using your blog and leveraging Google to build a whopper of an email list. So if you think blogging is dead, have tried and failed to start and maintain a blog (much like us), but want […]