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B2B email marketing problems

5 MAJOR Problems With Your B2B Email Marketing (And How To Easily Fix Them)

Are you a B2B marketer? Are you struggling to make email marketing work for your business? Let’s talk about the five B2B email marketing problems we see all the time. Of course, we won’t leave you high and dry. We’ll share the reasons why these problems are so common but also give you some practical […]

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ROI on advertising

How Brad 10x’d His Ad Spend In One Month – A Case Study

Can email marketing help you get a crazy ROI in advertising? Brad Gouldemond – a member of The League – shows that you can. When Brad started his business, he invested in ads, he got a few thousand people to join his challenge (which he run and managed with email marketing), and the rest, as […]

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member growth strategies

Super Cool Member Growth Strategies To Attract New Customers With Email Marketing

Do you have a membership and are interested in finding out how to get more members? We all do, right? So let’s talk about member growth strategies that work and will help you attract MORE customers with your email marketing. They work. Seriously. It’s the stuff we do. Ready to find out more? SOME EPISODE […]

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prevent buyer remorse

How To Prevent Buyer Remorse And Turn Customers Into Raving Fans!

How do you prevent buyer remorse and get your customers to buy from you over and over again? What can you do to make sure the people who buy from you never regret it? And how exactly do you turn them into repeat buyers and raving fans?! We spill ALL the beans today.  Are you […]

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foot-in-the-door technique

What Is The ‘Foot-In-The-Door’ Technique And Why Does It Work So Bloody Well?!

What on earth is the foot-in-the-door technique, and why does it work so bloody well every single time?  If you want to find out how to make more sales with this incredibly simple technique, you’re in the right place!  Let’s get this show on the road!   SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:25) Join our FREE Facebook […]

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email marketing course

What’s The BEST Email Marketing Course On The Planet?

If you’re thinking of buying an email marketing course, what should you look out for? What should a course even help you do? Should you invest in one? And what will you learn? If you want answers to all these questions, well, you’re about to get them!  Check this out!  SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:18) Join our […]

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The Simple Formula For Coaches To Sell On Autopilot With Email Marketing

Are you a coach or consultant? Then you need to learn how to build a system that helps you sell on autopilot so you don’t have to hustle to fill your next coaching group or programme. This is why we’re here to tell you all you need to know about email marketing for coaches.  Ready […]

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one email marketing campaign

How Emily Made Over $14k In 7 Days With Just ONE Email Marketing Campaign

Would you like to find out how our member Emily Moncuit from Emily’s Notebook made over $14k in only 7 days by using ONE of our email marketing campaigns? It sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? You join a membership, do one thing, and make a whole bunch of money. And when you […]

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free-trial email sequence

Use THIS Free-Trial Email Sequence To Turn Your Subscribers Into Paying Customers

Do you run free trials for your membership, course, or product? If you want to know if a trial offer is a good idea and want to get your hands on a free-trial email sequence for your business, here are some of the strategies we use to sell our own membership, The League.  And there’s […]

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our membership The League

Everything You Need To Know About Our Membership The League (THE Behind The Scenes!)

Want the behind-the-scenes of all the behind-the-scenes? Then let’s talk about everything you need to know about our awesome membership The League. (Spoiler alert – this is some pretty cool stuff!) SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:10) Join our FREE Facebook Group. (4:20) What is our membership all about? (6:04) Why we created The League. (9:25) People […]

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The Stupidly Simple Emails That Make Webinars Convert Like Crazy with Dave Dee

Do you run webinars in your business? Whether you do or you don’t, you need to check out this conversation with Dave Dee about selling with webinars and email marketing. Dave’s tried-and-tested tips (and this exact email sequence) work a treat and will help you convert like crazy. Trust us – you do want all […]

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onboarding sequence for memberships

How To Create A Member Onboarding Sequence That Your Members Will Love

Do you run a membership or are thinking of putting one together? How do you welcome new members and make sure they feel reassured they’re in the right place and know what to do next? Today we share how you can create an onboarding sequence for memberships that your customers will absolutely LOVE! Since launching […]

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fix traffic problem

Fix Your Traffic Problem For Good, With Todd Brown

Are you struggling to build your email list? Do you think you have a traffic problem? Then think again! Because today, Todd Brown explains exactly why list building has absolutely nothing to do with traffic (zero, nil, null) and everything to do with maths and economics. Ready to learn how to fix your traffic problem […]

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lead magnet email sequence

WTF Is An Automated Customer Journey? Use the SCORE Method

WTF is an automated customer journey and why do you need to worry about it? How does marketing automation apply to email marketing, and why on earth are we still using the term ‘customer journey’ when we mean something else entirely?  Grab yourself a hot cuppa and sit comfortably because you’re about to find out […]

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ChatGPT email marketing

EVERYTHING You Need To Know About AI For Email Marketing

Can you use AI for email marketing? Everyone is talking about ChatGPT at the moment. Unless you live under a rock, you’ll have seen or heard something about AI or even tried it yourself. So can tools such as ChatGPT help with your email copywriting?  Let’s dive into all this!  SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:48) Join […]

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