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our membership The League

Everything You Need To Know About Our Membership The League (THE Behind The Scenes!)

Want the behind-the-scenes of all the behind-the-scenes? Then let’s talk about everything you need to know about our awesome membership The League. (Spoiler alert – this is some pretty cool stuff!) SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:10) Join our FREE Facebook Group. (4:20) What is our membership all about? (6:04) Why we created The League. (9:25) People […]

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The Stupidly Simple Emails That Make Webinars Convert Like Crazy with Dave Dee

Do you run webinars in your business? Whether you do or you don’t, you need to check out this conversation with Dave Dee about selling with webinars and email marketing. Dave’s tried-and-tested tips (and this exact email sequence) work a treat and will help you convert like crazy. Trust us – you do want all […]

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onboarding sequence for memberships

How To Create A Member Onboarding Sequence That Your Members Will Love

Do you run a membership or are thinking of putting one together? How do you welcome new members and make sure they feel reassured they’re in the right place and know what to do next? Today we share how you can create an onboarding sequence for memberships that your customers will absolutely LOVE! Since launching […]

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email marketing webinars

How To Take Email Marketing Split Testing To The Next Level, With Matt Bacak

Do you split test? How do you do it? What kind of things do you split test and what do you do with the data? These are some of the questions we answer in this conversation with the awesome Matt Bacak about taking split testing for email marketing and taking it to the next level. […]

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fix traffic problem

Fix Your Traffic Problem For Good, With Todd Brown

Are you struggling to build your email list? Do you think you have a traffic problem? Then think again! Because today, Todd Brown explains exactly why list building has absolutely nothing to do with traffic (zero, nil, null) and everything to do with maths and economics. Ready to learn how to fix your traffic problem […]

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lead magnet email sequence

WTF Is An Automated Customer Journey? Use the SCORE Method

WTF is an automated customer journey and why do you need to worry about it? How does marketing automation apply to email marketing, and why on earth are we still using the term ‘customer journey’ when we mean something else entirely?  Grab yourself a hot cuppa and sit comfortably because you’re about to find out […]

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ChatGPT email marketing

EVERYTHING You Need To Know About AI For Email Marketing

Can you use AI for email marketing? Everyone is talking about ChatGPT at the moment. Unless you live under a rock, you’ll have seen or heard something about AI or even tried it yourself. So can tools such as ChatGPT help with your email copywriting?  Let’s dive into all this!  SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:48) Join […]

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persuasive copywriting

Mindblowing Techniques To Connect More Deeply With Your Email Readers With Rob Marsh & Kira Hug

How do you connect more deeply with your audience when sending out emails? Rob Marsh and Kira Hug from The Copywriter Club tell us all about the persuasive copywriting techniques that professionals use in order to build and maintain strong relationships with their email readers. And you can start using these techniques too. Straight away! Ready […]

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6 Amazing Things The Best Marketing Email Platforms Can Now Do

6 Things You Didn’t Know Your Email Marketing Platform Could Do

What if your email marketing platform could do more than you think it can? What if there was a super simple way for you to do some things that sound very technical – and something that only big companies with huge budgets could do? Well, we’re here to show you 6 amazing things that the […]

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referral marketing

Turn Every Client Into Two More Using Simple Referral Marketing

How do you grow your business by turning each and every client into two more? Today we share our proactive referral marketing strategy, which is something that will help you grow your business exponentially.  Ready to go through the steps to do this? SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:13) Join our FREE Facebook Group. (6:03) Creating a […]

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How To Create Sales Spikes

How to Create 3 Big Sales Spikes During Your Launch with Mara Glazer

How do you create a sales spike during your launch? Do you rely on making the majority of your sales on the last day? What if we told you there’s a way to generate not ONE spike but at least THREE during the launch of your new product or service? Genius copywriter Mara Glazer tells […]

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The Truth About Email vs Social Media

Email Marketing vs Social Media (Why We Keep Ditching Our Social Media)

Social media vs email marketing. Is one better than the other? Want to know what we really think about all this?  And yes, we might be a bit biased towards email, but there are specific reasons why we keep ditching social media platforms – want to know what they are?  Let’s find out!  SOME EPISODE […]

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Made $90k With Automated Webinars

How Brad Brown Made $90k By Automating Webinars

Do you run live webinars and promote them through your email marketing? Have you ever thought about switching to automated webinars? Oh, the possibilities… You see – one of our members, Brad Brown, went from running two live webinars a week to an automated one. And here he shared the story of how he made […]

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Get Your Customers To Buy Again & Again

Best Email Marketing Campaign To Get Your Customers To Buy Again (And Again)

What’s the best email marketing campaign to get your customers to buy from you again and again? Well, we have a few. And the reason for that is that there are plenty of ways to increase the value of your customers.  Want to get all the juicy stuff on this?  Let’s go!  SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: […]

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Use NLP to Get Emails Opened

Get Your Emails Opened Using NLP – With Jon Benson

Can you use NLP for marketing to get more of your emails opened? This week we talked to Jon Benson from Copy Pro and EPIC Email about using NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) in your email marketing to grab your audience’s attention and get more of your emails opened. Ready to find out a handy trick or […]

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