how to sell

How To Sell To The Right People At The Right Time – With Steve Rosenbaum

Ever wondered how to sell to your new subscribers?

You’ve spent money and worked hard to acquire that person into your business, now it’s time to offer them anything and everything you have that might be relevant to them.

But how do you find out what they want and need? Do you risk losing them if you send too many irrelevant offers?

Find out in this episode with Steve Rosenbaum as he talks us through his method for selling the right thing, to the right people, at the perfect time!

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Sell To The Right People At The Right Time

Episode Content

  • (3:49) Fun fact with Steve Rosenbaum
  • (4:45) Making sure you send the right email at the right time.
  • (5:30) Buy, die, or unsubscribe.
  • (7:21) It’s time to ignite that relationship.
  • (8:08) Follow up, forever, and ever, and ever…
  • (8:57) Are you qualified to buy from me?
  • (9:34) It can take up to 14 days of getting to know someone before you should send them an offer.
  • (11:21) Low pressure, high credibility works best.
  • (12:00) Push my big orange button!
  • (16:10) The funnel that made me $5k without having to sell anything.
  • (17:06) Subject line of the week with Steve Rosenbaum.

Subject Line Of The Week

Episode Resources


The Email Marketing Strategy Every Business Should Steal – Blog Post
6 Techniques To Segment Your Email Subscribers – Podcast Episode
Writing The Perfect Welcome Email With Gavin Bell – Podcast Episode
How To Do Better Email Marketing In 2020 – Blog Post

INBOX 2020 Event – Buy your ticket
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