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Your Email Platform Is Telling You 6 Lies

Warning: 6 Lies Your Email Marketing Platform Is Telling You

Welcome to another episode of The Email Marketing Show!  We’re Kennedy and Fifi, and this week, we’re exposing six lies your email marketing platform might be feeding you – and what to pay attention to instead. Want to get more sales from your email marketing? Before we get started with today’s episode, we’ve put a […]

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Master Your Metrics – Unleashing The Power Of Email Marketing Analytics

Do you track any email marketing metrics? How can you use your email marketing analytics to improve your email marketing? If this is a topic you’ve been avoiding, the great news is that looking at metrics, understanding them, and using them to your advantage isn’t as hard as it might sound. Just collect the right data, […]

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Customer profiling

Understanding Customer Profiling – How To REALLY Get To Know Your Audience The Right Way (And Sell More)

What is customer profiling and do you really need it? Yes, you do. But only if you do it the right way. Because when you get it spot on, it’s not as boring as it sounds. Plus, it’s no longer an empty tick-boxing exercise you have to do every year. And yes, it will bring […]

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Latest Gmail Update December 2023

Does The Latest Gmail Update (December 2023) Mean The End Of Your Email Marketing?

Is the latest Gmail update (December 2023) going to kill your email marketing for good? Everyone’s reacting to this update like it’s the big apocalypse of email marketing. But is that true? Let’s talk about whether this update does or doesn’t affect you, and how you can go about it.  Ready to find out the […]

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Email deliverability

Stop Landing In The Spam Folder & Immediately Skyrocket Your Email Deliverability – With Brian Minick

Do you know how many of the email addresses on your list are invalid? What happens when your subscribers mark your emails as spam rather than unsubscribing? How can you improve your sender reputation and your email deliverability? And did you know that you’re losing approximately 22% of your subscribers every single year?  We discuss […]

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email marketing webinars

How To Take Email Marketing Split Testing To The Next Level, With Matt Bacak

Do you split test? How do you do it? What kind of things do you split test and what do you do with the data? These are some of the questions we answer in this conversation with the awesome Matt Bacak about taking split testing for email marketing and taking it to the next level. […]

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How To Do An Email Marketing Audit

How To Audit Your Email Marketing

Have you ever done an email marketing audit? Want to find out what to check and what data to collect to improve your email marketing? Because (spoiler alert) what you think you should be doing is probably not what is going to move the needle the most for you!  Ready to take some notes?   SOME […]

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What To Do About Your Unsubscribe Rate

What to do if you have a high unsubscribe rate

What do you do if you have a high unsubscribe rate? What is a high unsubscribe rate, and does it even matter? Or should we simply focus on addressing any spikes in unsubscribers instead? We hear so many people telling us they put in a lot of work to build their list just to see their […]

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Know What's Working

Two Things to Start Collecting So You Know What’s Working in Your Marketing

Do you ever find yourself making important business decisions based on a hunch? Would you like to know how you can improve the success rate of email marketing (and your marketing in general) by looking at data and not relying on a gut feeling? Are you curious to finally get a clear idea of what […]

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How To Turn Data Into Amazing Outcomes - Learn About Measuring Marketing With Chris Mercer

How to turn data into amazing outcomes – learn about Measuring Marketing with Chris Mercer

Do you want to learn how to turn some super simple data into amazing insights and even better outcomes? Today’s episode teaches you everything you need to know about measuring marketing with Chris Mercer. If just hearing the mention of Google Analytics makes you break up in hives, this episode is for you. Because you […]

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Get Your Emails Delivered (And Avoid The Spam Folder) With Adrian Savage

Get Your Emails Delivered (And Avoid The Spam Folder) With Adrian Savage

Let’s talk about how to get your emails delivered because having your emails end up in the dreaded spam folder is the main thing we ALL want to avoid, right? After all, if they go into your subscribers spam, it’s likely they won’t get opened…and that sucks. So, is there a sure-fire way in which […]

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Why Sending An Email Will Not Make You Sales

Why Sending An Email Will NOT Make You Sales

Feeling disheartened because you’ve been sending emails and you’re not making any sales? Fear not, we’re going to help you to fix this from today, and it’s probably a lot more simple than you think. Email marketing is still (and probably will be for a long time to come), one of the very best ways […]

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Why Is My Email Marketing Not Working?

Why Is My Email Marketing Not Working?

So, you’ve been emailing your subscribers every week (or more) but all of your hard work just doesn’t seem to be paying off… Your open rates or click-through rates might be lower than you’d like and you may not be making many or even any sales at all. You might be starting to wonder if […]

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How To Track Your Email Sales - UTM Tracking With Tatiana Belim

How To Track Your Email Sales – UTM Tracking With Tatiana Belim

How do you even know if your email marketing is working and getting the outcome you really want if you can’t track your email sales? Unless you put some sort of tracking in place to monitor it, how do you know that the sales you’re generating are coming from your email efforts rather than other […]

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