How To Track Your Email Sales - UTM Tracking With Tatiana Belim

How To Track Your Email Sales – UTM Tracking With Tatiana Belim

How do you even know if your email marketing is working and getting the outcome you really want if you can't track your email sales?

Unless you put some sort of tracking in place to monitor it, how do you know that the sales you’re generating are coming from your email efforts rather than other traffic methods?

It’s all well and good looking at your open rates and click-through rates, but sometimes that just doesn’t cut it. Don’t you want to know exactly which email made you a particular sale?

This episode we’re talking to the brilliant Tatiana Belim who is sharing her techniques for making tracking your emails less scary and complicated, so you can better understand your email marketing results.

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How To Track Your Email Sales

Episode Content

  • (2:10) Fun fact with Tatiana Belim
  • (4:25) What are we currently missing from our email marketing that will help us understand which emails are generating sales?
  • (5:05) Using Google Analytics and UTM tracking – when and why to use it.
  • (7:26) Let’s talk about how to structure UTM tracking in your emails the easy way.
  • (9:45) An example of how to use tracking on an email sequence – an abandoned cart sequence.
  • (11:15) Where does Google analytics fit in and where do you find the information you need?
  • (12:55) Using tracking to figure out why certain emails aren’t converting and where to find that information.
  • (14:50) Just how detailed and granular can we get with this tracking?
  • (16:20) Now it’s time to look at your tracking data and make some changes to your email campaigns based on that data – email content and timelines.
  • (18:00) How often should you be checking on your tracking so that you can accurately see the data trends for your emails?
  • (19:20) Subject line of the week with Tatiana Belim.

Subject Line Of The Week

Watch the full episode right here.

Episode Resources

Tatiana's FREE Blueprints

The Email Marketing Strategy Every Business Should Steal – Blog Post
6 Techniques To Segment Your Email Subscribers – Podcast Episode
Writing The Perfect Welcome Email With Gavin Bell – Podcast Episode
How To Do Better Email Marketing In 2020 – Blog Post

INBOX 2020 Event – Buy your ticket
Download The Email Marketers' GamePlan
FREE Email Marketing Webinar

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