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How To Track Your Email Sales - UTM Tracking With Tatiana Belim

How To Track Your Email Sales – UTM Tracking With Tatiana Belim

How do you even know if your email marketing is working and getting the outcome you really want if you can’t track your email sales? Unless you put some sort of tracking in place to monitor it, how do you know that the sales you’re generating are coming from your email efforts rather than other […]

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How To Grow Your Email List - 6 Unusual Lead Magnet Ideas

How To Grow Your Email List – 6 Unusual Lead Magnet Ideas

These days people are way more precious about giving away their email address, so if you’re going to use a lead magnet to get people on your list, it’s got to be a good one! Rather than asking people to enter their email address to receive a bland bit of free content, make it something […]

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How To Write More Personalised Emails With Mike Filsaime

How To Write More Personalised Emails With Mike Filsaime

Mike Filsaime has built an online empire by figuring out how to send more personalised emails so his email subscribers feel he’s talking right to them. But how do you send real personal-feeling emails to a list of sometimes thousands of people? Mike Filsaime is on The Email Marketing Show talking about the techniques he […]

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How To Write Email Subject Lines For Sales Emails (That Actually Work)

How To Write Email Subject Lines For Sales Emails (That Actually Work)

What are the best subject lines for sales emails that you can use to get people to actually open your emails? That’s the big question! But the answer is that the best subject line really depends on what it is that you’re trying to achieve with your emails. There are dozens of reasons that you […]

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How To Get Results From Your Email Outreach - Warming Up With Jason Bay

How To Get Results From Your Email Outreach – Warming Up With Jason Bay

This episode we’re chatting about email outreach, and if you’re in B2B sales, or you’ve done it before, then you know what we mean when we say ‘cold outreach’. And you probably know how terrifying it can be! A lot of first-time salespeople and entrepreneurs sometimes get that ‘icky’ feeling when they have to reach […]

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Email Marketing Design: How To Choose Between Graphics vs. Text Only

Email Marketing Design: How To Choose Between Graphics vs. Text Only

We talk a lot about email content but how much time do you spend thinking about your email marketing design? It would be an easy assumption to make that the prettiest and most eye-catching design would get the most engagement but that’s not always the case. What people find attractive and appealing when it comes […]

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How To Get A 60% Email Open Rate - Above Average With Amy Perkins

How To Get A 60% Email Open Rate – Above Average With Amy Perkins

One of the things that people focus on and talk about all the time, and rightly so, when it comes to email marketing is how they can increase their email open rate and get better results. There are lots of averages floating around, but let’s be real, we all just want to do better! Imagine […]

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Email List Cleaning: When You Should Delete Your Subscribers

Email List Cleaning: When You Should Delete Your Subscribers

Email list cleaning, it’s something we all know we should be doing, but most of us have never actually knuckled down and got it done. Just think about those open rate statistics, and then think about all those disengaged subscribers who just aren’t opening your emails anymore… do you really need them on your list? We hear […]

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How To Use Behavioural Marketing In Email - Killer Engagement With Mike Capuzzi

How To Use Behavioural Marketing In Email – Killer Engagement With Mike Capuzzi

Ever wondered how many people who opt-in for your freebies actually download them? Sure they’re on your list, and you’re probably sending them broadcast emails, but did they ever actually consume the thing they opted-in for? And are they even interested? There’s no point in having people on your list who simply aren’t interested in […]

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Turn Customer Feedback Emails Into Sales [Part 2]

Turn Customer Feedback Emails Into Sales [Part 2]

In Turn Customer Feedback Emails Into Sales [Part 1] we got chatting about something a little different to the usual, instead of talking about the emails you send to your subscribers, we started talking about the emails that they send to you. We quickly realised that we have a ton more to say on the […]

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The Anatomy Of A Sales Email Campaign - 'Pushing Buttons' With Ron Douglas

The Anatomy Of A Sales Email Campaign – ‘Pushing Buttons’ With Ron Douglas

It’s all well and good sending out single emails to your list, but they’re not going to make much impact unless they’re part of an email campaign. The tricky part is sending out multiple emails without each one being a bland repetition of the previous email in the campaign. There’s not much point in banging […]

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Turn Customer Feedback Emails Into Sales [Part 1]

Turn Customer Feedback Emails Into Sales [Part 1]

This episode is a little different as we’re not talking about the emails you send to your subscribers, but instead the emails that they send to you. That’s right, we’re talking about how to get those customer feedback emails from your subscribers and what to do with them when you do. Fun FactThe Return Of […]

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Retargeting With Email Marketing - Scooping Up The Sales With Amy Bishop

Retargeting With Email Marketing – Scooping Up The Sales With Amy Bishop

Most people talk about retargeting as something you do with Facebook ads or Google ads, but actually, the original form of re-targeting was with email marketing. After working in all different departments in marketing including paid media, or as Amy calls it The Dark Side, Amy knows first-hand that most departments tend to keep to […]

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6 Techniques To Segment Your Email Subscribers

6 Techniques To Segment Your Email Subscribers

What’s the one thing you can do to understand your email subscribers better and make your list more profitable? Well, it’s segmentation of course! Segmentation is the email marketing trick that we all know we should be doing but we aren’t all doing it nearly as well as we could be, which means people are […]

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Writing The Perfect Welcome Email - Saying Hello With Gavin Bell

Writing The Perfect Welcome Email – Saying Hello With Gavin Bell

The very first welcome email in a sequence is something that a lot of us overlook a bit and probably take for granted. Usually, it’s a fairly simple email saying thank you for joining the list, which is nice, but are you really making the most of that welcome opportunity? When we first signed up […]

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