How To Build Your List by Speaking At Events Online and Offline

How To Build Your List by Speaking At Events Online and Offline

Events can be an amazing way of building your email list, but are you taking full advantage of them?

If you’re taking part in any sort of event from a virtual summit to someone else’s Facebook Live, to speaking on stage, you should be using these as opportunities to build your own audience.

But how can you do this successfully and more importantly, authentically? 

In today’s episode, we’re going to go through many of the effective ways you could be using these events to build those all-important email lists of yours.

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How To Use Speaking To Build Your Email List

Episode Content

  • (01:59) Find out why this is absolutely one of our all-time favourite ways of getting new subscribers – and no, it’s not just because we love being the center of attention (well….that’s not the main reason.)
  • (03:07) Using events to build your list can be so powerful…but only if you make sure to not do the following annoying thing that we’ve seen so many people do. 
  • (04:38) A very basic but utterly crucial point that you need to remember if you’re serious about building your list at events.
  • (06:17) How do you make these people actually WANT to sign up to your list? People don’t like to give their emails away to just anyone these days.
  • (08:44) Who doesn’t love a shortcut? This one is a winner. 
  • (09:43) A super simple way of letting people access your information.
  • (12:08) Another great tip to keep things as simple as possible that Rob hilariously tried doing before it even existed. He’s well ahead of his time, this one!
  • (13:09) In our opinion, this is one of the very best usages of Facebook messenger that’s out there. 
  • (14:15) Kennedy goes old school but this one is still a very popular method.
  • (14:49) How to make very clever use of email auto responders.
  • (16:02) Make sure you always do this at EVERY. SINGLE. EVENT.
  • (17:20) What’s one of Kennedy’s favourite things to do at live in-person events?
  • (18:44) Kill two birds with one stone with this one. 
  • (19:35) Our final tip that audiences always love. And this one doesn’t have to be saved for in-person events only.  
  • (20:06) Our biggest take away of this episode.
  • (22:10) This week’s subject line of the week is a brilliant way of creating curiosity.

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