How To Write Email Subject Lines For Sales Emails (That Actually Work)

How To Write Email Subject Lines For Sales Emails (That Actually Work)

What are the best subject lines for sales emails that you can use to get people to actually open your emails?

That's the big question!

But the answer is that the best subject line really depends on what it is that you're trying to achieve with your emails.

There are dozens of reasons that you might be sending out emails to your list that you desperately want them to open, but one of the biggest reasons is that you want to make some juicy sales.

If that sounds like you then you're in luck! This episode we're walking through the nine steps of a sales email campaign and the best subject lines you can use for each of those steps.

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Subject Lines For Sales Emails

Episode Content

  • (3:30) Blind or curious: You’re about to send your first promotional sales email, this is our favourite subject line to get you started.
  • (5:20) The thing: It’s time to give them a hint about what you’re selling, or just outright tell them the name of your product.
  • (7:04) The details: The purpose of this email is usually to tell them the details of what your product does, so your subject line will include something that will let people know what the product is.
  • (8:19) The solution: This subject line is going to dive into the benefits or the problem it will solve for people.
  • (9:00) Back it up: This is the email where you can provide reviews or testimonials or case studies to back up just how great your product or service is. A subject line that has worked well for us is ‘brutal reviews’.
  • (10:34) Readers question: This is a chance for you to show that you’re building a community and overcoming objections by answering customer questions, and the subject line we like to use is ‘Question answered’.
  • (11:15) Scarcity and urgency: The point of this one is to let people know that they have a limited time to grab themselves a deal. The subject line needs to give them a reason to act now!
  • (13:05) Something juicy: If you’re going to be adding in a bonus then this is the time to do it and using a subject line that is going to appeal to the ‘deal grabber’ in them will help. Something juicy like FREE webinar or BONUS material.
  • (13:55) The close: You actually need to tell people when your deal is going to close. The last thing you want is for people to go to an empty sales page because they’ve missed the deal!
  • (14:45) Moving people from point A to point B of the sales process with your subject lines.
  • (17:11) Listeners question
  • (20:33) Subject line of the week

Subject Line Of The Week

Listeners Question

Is there a simple way to segment people through the links that they click in the emails that you send to them?

Jaz Greer – jazgreer.com

Rob: Most email marketing platforms now have a really cool ability to be able to apply a tag to someone based on them clicking a link.

Kennedy: Another way to do it is by using this as a temperature gauge of how interested someone is in who you are and what you’re doing, and how engaged they are with you as well. So, you can actually run a report inside your email marketing system to see who clicked particular links and then use that information to segment people based on how interested they seem in certain products or services.

If you have an email marketing question you would love us to answer you can submit it right here.

Episode Resources

The Email Marketing Strategy Every Business Should Steal – Blog Post
6 Techniques To Segment Your Email Subscribers – Podcast Episode
Writing The Perfect Welcome Email With Gavin Bell – Podcast Episode

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