How To Turn Customer Feedback Questions Into More Sales With Email

How To Turn Customer Feedback Questions Into More Sales With Email

We hear people say a lot that you should send customer feedback questions to your email subscribers and find out what they want, and then give them exactly that!

But how can you use the feedback you get from your email list and actually turn that into sales? What should you be asking? And what should you do with all that super-powerful information?

In this episode, we're talking about when you should send out those questions, what you should be asking, and how to use the information you get to make more sales.

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Turn Customer Feedback Questions Into Sales

Episode Content

  • (0:31) Funny fact with Rob and Kennedy
  • (2:34) The most revenue you can make at the lowest cost is your existing audience.
  • (3:50) Sending emails with the sole purpose of finding out exactly what your subscribers want.
  • (4:45) The easiest way to find out what people want – using surveys!
  • (5:55) When and how to send out a survey that people will actually complete.
  • (7:23) The questions you should be asking and why.
  • (9:12) How to rate and scale the feedback and what to do with that information.
  • (10:52) Receiving positive feedback and making more sales on the back of it.
  • (14:40) How to deal with negative feedback from your subscribers – all is not lost!
  • (16:35) How to identify who has already given your feedback so that you don’t keep asking and annoy them into unsubscribing.
  • (17:48) A practical example of how you can use this strategy to directly make more sales.
  • (20:12) Listener’s question.
  • (22:56) Subject line of the week.

Subject Line Of The Week

Listeners Question

Do you have any tips for writing that will increase the number of clicks in an email?

Jennifer Macdonald-Nethercott – Strath Communications

Kennedy: One of the biggest things with writing emails is to create the content in such a way that it compels people to click a link in the actual email itself. A lot of people think it’s enough to create content that sounds good and tells a lovely story. Instead, you need to write so that the whole email is leading up to the point of them wanting more information and clicking that link. Also, realise that you’re not just getting people to click links, you’re compelling them to want to learn more, or watch a video, or to sign up to something.

Rob: Don’t just put a link in the email and expect people to click it, instead put a few different links in there and use different link types. We actually chatted about this in a previous episode if you need some ideas.

If you have an email marketing question you would love us to answer you can submit it right here.

Episode Resources

7.5 Types Of Email Call To Action You’ll Actually Use – Blog Post
The Email Marketing Strategy Every Business Should Steal – Blog Post
6 Techniques To Segment Your Email Subscribers – Podcast Episode
Writing The Perfect Welcome Email With Gavin Bell – Podcast Episode

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