How To Get Results From Your Email Outreach - Warming Up With Jason Bay

How To Get Results From Your Email Outreach – Warming Up With Jason Bay

This episode we're chatting about email outreach, and if you’re in B2B sales, or you’ve done it before, then you know what we mean when we say ‘cold outreach’. And you probably know how terrifying it can be!

A lot of first-time salespeople and entrepreneurs sometimes get that ‘icky’ feeling when they have to reach out to somebody they don’t know and actually sell stuff.

Jason Bay, Co-Founder of Blissful Prospecting, has come up with an amazing method to make outreach more comfortable and get actual replies from people who are actually interested in what you have to offer. Sound good, huh?

How To Warm Up Your Email Outreach

Episode Content

  • (3:43) What is the REPLY Method?
  • (5:28) How do you figure out who to contact when you’re doing outbound email outreach?
  • (7:31) Are there any circumstances where you might be doing warm outreach instead of ice-cold?
  • (9:55) How to use your LinkedIn engagement to find warm leads.
  • (11:31) Let’s get into the details of the REPLY Method.
  • (12:41) R – results
  • (13:40) E – empathy
  • (15:07) P – personalisation
  • (17:44) L – laser focus
  • (19:29) Y – you
  • (21:30) Subject line of the week with Jason Bay

Subject Line Of The Week With Jason Bay

Watch the full episode right here.

Episode Resources

Find out more about Jason at blissfulprospecting.com
Grab the REPLY Method cheat sheet

The Absolute Best Time To Send Emails – Podcast Episode
Writing The Perfect Welcome Email With Gavin Bell – Podcast Episode
The Email Marketing Strategy Every Business Should Steal – Blog Post
7.5 Types Of Email Call To Action You'll Actually Use – Podcast Episode

INBOX 2020 Event – Buy your ticket
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