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Update – 29 March 2024

Thank you ever so much for your words of support and encouragement. I understand and appreciate that many of you are asking for confirmation that Rob will not continue to profit from the business. I can confirm that anything Rob receives (as we complete his removal from the business), will be based on historical earnings, […]

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Update – 25 March 2024

Thanks to those of you who emailed me your specific concerns and questions. I am really committed to being transparent as we navigate the path forward. This means I will answer your questions to the entireEmail Marketing Heroes community, instead of replying individually. The four main questions come down to: First up, no, I absolutely […]

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As you may have heard, my business partner Robert Temple, was sentenced this week for a crime involving some of his personal actions. I want to assure you that this did not involve any part of the business. In fact, our business was never under any investigation. One of the most important concerns I understand […]

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