Beautiful Email Design That Make Sales - Matthew Smith from Really Good Emails

Beautiful Email Design That Make Sales – Matthew Smith from Really Good Emails

We’ve always told you that emails don’t need necessarily need to be visually stunning to work well for you and your core objective of making sales.

Why bother spending hours of your time adding graphics left, right and center when you could simply get your point across in less than 20 mins?

But, what if changing your emails from the current layout you’re currently using could help to bring you more click through and more sales?

Even better, what if you could make your emails much more visually appealing and effective without having killer design skills?  

Working with the likes of MIT, Seth Godin and Gates Foundation (to name a few), our latest guest, Matthew Smith of Really Good Emails is here to tell us how putting a little more thought into our email design could help us yield even better results.

We’re all ears!…

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Beautiful Email Design That Make Sales – Matthew Smith from Really Good Emails

Episode Content

  • (02:16) It’s two lies and a truth about Matthew and Rob really didn’t want it to be this one.
  • (03:32) Just how important are visuals in an email?  
  • (05:08) Graphic-design-heavy – do we have to?
  • (07:05) Matthew’s face-palm moments with terrible emails.
  • (09:02) What should a game of golf and your emails have in common?  
  • (10:10) Should we be fearful of emails not loading properly?
  • (12:26) But Kennedy’s not a designer, god dammit!
  • (14:05) Why you don’t have to be a Picasso of emails to have awesome emails.  
  • (16:01) Does this all apply to coaches and course creators?
  • (17:32) Cheap dirty pizzas don’t need fancy flyers. But what about your emails?  
  • (20:22) Find out how graphics can further your conversion rate.
  • (22:26) Some people just need a little push.  
  • (24:43) This week’s subject line of the week and the hidden treasure within your junk folder.  
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