Twitter For List Building with Madalyn Sklar

Twitter for List Building with Madalyn Sklar

Forget Instagram, Facebook and Clubhouse for the next 20 minutes…..

Today, we’re talking all things Twitter and how you can use this fast-moving platform to build your email list.

Twitter boasts around boasts 192 million daily active users and we’ve got leading Twitter marketing expert, Madalyn Sklar on the show to tell us exactly how we can utilise the platform in the most effective ways possible.

From annoying drunks guys, to famous people and weekly “meet ups”, find out why Twitter is still the place to be in 2021.

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Twitter for List Building with Madalyn Sklar

Episode Content

  • (02:49) Two truths and a lie. Could this be the third time ever that Rob gets it right?
  • (04:37) So, why does Madalyn love Twitter so damn much?
  • (06:41) Is Twitter the place to build a personal brand or a business brand?
  • (07:24) Nothing moves at a snail’s pace where this platform is concerned
  • (08:09) How to we even begin to shift people from Twitter to our list?
  • (09:37) How not to be like that annoying drunk guy at a party
  • (10:43) More than one link in your bio? Surely not?!
  • (12:29) What’s the deal with Twitter chats and why does Madalyn think they’re so powerful?
  • (14:33) The best way to leverage chats to build your email list
  • (16:22) How do you find the best chats that are in your niche and relevant to you?
  • (18:43) Want to start your own Twitter chat? Here’s how….
  • (20:09) The instant results epidemic
  • (23:04) The power of deepening your relationship  
  • (24:04) The right way to promote your products via your content  
  • (25:15) This re-launch’s subject line worked very well for Madalyn
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