
How to Evergreen The Sales of a Cohorted Program

In this episode we’re talking about how to make sales every single day when your offer is only available at certain times. If you run programs that are opened and closed in live rounds or cohorts, this episode is for you!

Joining us is the fabulous Fifi Mason for her final episode as co-host of the show as we come to the end of this season. Fifi’s got a cohort-based program she opens a few times a year, and she’s wondering how to keep sales flowing even when the doors aren’t technically open.

Let’s get stuck in!

Want to get more sales from your email marketing?

Before we get started with today’s episode, we’ve put a little something together for you.

It's really cool and it's FREE (yes, it's cool and free – we're nice like that). We all know that subject lines are important to get right and are a leading measure of your open and click rates – but writing them can be a challenge.

That's why Kennedy has spent months training an AI to write powerful subject lines that is beating top copywriters' subject lines 80% of the time in A/B tests – and you can get access to it here.

Evergreen Sales, Live Delivery

What’s the big secret to making sales when your program is closed?

Make your sales evergreen, even when your delivery is scheduled.

Here’s the plan:

You want to create a system where people can sign up for your program anytime, but the delivery of the program happens on specific, scheduled dates. This means that your subscribers can book their spot for the next cohort early, allowing you to automate your sales process while keeping the live experience of your program.

Here’s how to do it in 3 simple steps:

3 Steps to Consistent Sales

Step 1: Keep Enrolment Open All Year Round

While you may only deliver your program a few times a year, the enrollment should always be open.

Prospects can then sign up for the next cohort, pay a deposit, or set up a payment plan. They can reserve their spot well in advance, which gives you a steady stream of sales and lets you make more informed decisions about how you’re going to promote the final spaces when it comes to ‘launch-time’ of this offer.

Step 2: Use Automations

Set up automated email campaigns to promote your program all year long.

You can include links in your super signature (the email signature at the bottom of all your emails) that drive people to check out the program. You can also set up an email sequence where people on your list receive an offer to join a waitlist or get notified when the next cohort starts.

The Top 10 Books To 'Power Up' Your Email Marketing

10 book recommendations that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we stumbled upon which have been game-changing for us).

Step 3: Create Urgency with Early Bird Offers

Give people a reason to act now, even if the program doesn’t start for a few months.

For example, you could offer extended payment plans for early enrolments, or provide immediate access to a bonus module or course. You could also give access to the first module of your program right away, even if the rest of the content and live elements come later.

Selling Out Cohorts

Imagine how awesome it would be to sell out your next cohort before it even opens!

This happens when you’ve built enough momentum and created that sense of urgency with limited spots. You can even use sold-out cohorts to fuel demand for future rounds. Just let people know the last one sold out, and they’ll be scrambling to get a spot in the next one.

Using Webinars for Program Sales

If you prefer live elements in your marketing, you can also run webinars or masterclasses as part of your funnel. 

Set them up to run automatically using platforms like WebinarJam or WebinarKit. This replaces the need for a basic “interest list” and gives you an engaging way to promote your program all year long, without any extra work. After the webinar, follow up with an automated email sequence to get even more people to enroll. 

If some of your audience doesn’t sign up for the webinar, you can use a separate campaign to invite them to join the interest list.

Why This Works

The magic of this system is that it gives you the best of both worlds: automated, evergreen sales for your program and live delivery for a premium, hands-on experience. You can scale your sales without constantly launching, while keeping the energy and personal connection of live rounds.


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Subject line of the week

This week’s subject line is: “What I REALLY think” (with ‘REALLY’ in caps).

It’s designed to grab attention by making your readers wonder what’s going on behind the scenes. Is there a new opinion? Are you about to reveal a secret? The all-caps “REALLY” emphasizes the intrigue, pulling people into the email.

Use these principles to tap into curiosity and encourage high open rates with your next subject lines.


FREE list to improve your email marketing

If you want to write better emails, come up with better content, and move your readers to click and buy, here's how. We put together this list of our Top 10 most highly recommended books that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we happened upon, which have been game-changing for us). Grab your FREE list here

Join our FREE Facebook group

If you want to chat about how you can maximise the value of your email list and make more money from every subscriber, we can help! We know your business is different, so come and hang out in our FREE Facebook group, the Email Marketing Show Community for Course Creators and Coaches. We share a lot of training and resources, and you can talk about what you're up to.

Try ResponseSuite for $1

This week's episode is sponsored by ResponseSuite.com, the survey quiz and application form tool that we created specifically for small businesses like you to integrate with your marketing systems to segment your subscribers and make more sales. Try it out for 14 days for just $1.

Join The Email Hero Blueprint

Want more? Let's say you're a course creator, membership site owner, coach, author, or expert and want to learn about the ethical psychology-based email marketing that turns 60-80% more of your newsletter subscribers into customers (within 60 days).

If that's you, then The Email Hero Blueprint is for you.

This is hands down the most predictable, plug-and-play way to double your earnings per email subscriber. It allows you to generate a consistent sales flow without launching another product, service, or offer. Best news yet? You won't have to rely on copywriting, slimy persuasion, NLP, or ‘better' subject lines.

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Thanks so much for tuning into the podcast! If you enjoyed this episode (all about creating an automated customer journey and using email marketing automation in your business) and love the show, we'd really appreciate you subscribing and leaving us a review of the show on your favourite podcast player. 

Not only does it let us know you're out there listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes so more awesome people like you can discover the podcast. 

And please do tell us! If you don't spend time on email marketing, what do you really fill your working days with? We'd love to know! 

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