24hr Podcast-A-Thon Special Guest Page

We are REALLY excited that you'll be joining us for the 2nd podcast-a-thon. Here's some info and links to make this really easy:
1. Brief Overview
It is 100% Live, Rob and I will be online for 24hrs straight. We use the Streamyard browser-based app to stream into our Facebook Group.
2. Show Off, Get Kudos and Look Awesome
Since this special (some might say crazy) event is a big deal, we've had a bunch of social media graphics created for you so you can share on your Insta, Facebook and Twitter to show off that you're part of this and raise your kudos with your audience.
To watch the live stream all folks have to do is join our free Facebook Group where it's streaming. They can get there by going to the url: RobAndKennedy.group – that'll forward them right to the group to watch.
3. Your Appearance/Getting On The Stream
Due to Facebook's time limitations on Live Streams, we will use 4 live streams that we'll switch to throughout the event. Please follow the link below to join the live stream for your time slot:
1pm UK – 7pm UK (Thursday 1st April)
(8am ET – 2pm ET)
Use This Streamyard Link To Join Us
7pm UK – 1am UK (Thursday 1st April)
(2pm ET – 8pm ET)
Use This Streamyard Link to Join Us
1am UK – 7am UK (Friday 2nd April)
(8pm ET – 2am ET)
Use This Streamyard Link to Join Us
7am UK – 1pm UK
(2am ET – 8am ET)
Use this Streamyard Link to Join Us
4. Equipment
You don't need anything special. A mic or your apple air pods will be fine. And a camera.
This is a video and audio live stream. You will be able to see us both, and the viewers can interact by typing comments.
Make sure you're in a place with good internet connection (ideally hard wired not wifi, but if wifi then make sure it's a strong connection) and it's quiet.
5. Contacting Us
Once the livestream starts, we are live and so if you need to get in touch please do so on Facebook – ideally through the comments on the stream.
6. Content Rules
This is a casual chat, no no sales pitches or offer stacks etc. We are bringing value to the viewers who'll be jumping on and off throughout the event.
While we are all about giving value and believe the more you give the more people will want from you, at the end of your slot we will ask you where people can go to find out more about you.